Sunday, May 2, 2010

Backward Design

What are the advantages of Backward Design? How can I use its principles to guide the learning design process?
The biggest advantage is that you know the the desired knowledge you want the student to achieve before you start planing your lesson. Instead of building assessments off of what material you cover in class you build the lessons of of the assessment that has been already designed. By doing this you have a more direct path to the objective you have set for the material to be covered. When you have a goal in mind that is to be achieved you can build the necessary steps to achieve that goal. When I am teaching I will create my objectives for the subject at hand and design my lesson plan to achieve that goal.

1 comment:

  1. BD has its advantages, for sure. I just don't see there being another way to formulate a learning plan other than having a clear vision of the learning objectives.

    Do you mind also addressing the question regarding the NETP?

    Each week there are about 2 questions that are required to be answered for the following week. This week was (BD & NETP). Next week there are two questions due regarding Social Networking and the Dynamic of YOUR learning environment in this class so far.

    Looking forward to reading more...
